
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Early AM letting my mind wander as if scanning the force field.  Suddenly I am up looking out from behind a face in a space craft.  It’s almost as if I am that face.  Is it third eye oneness?  I held steady watching, listening as vibrational contact was sustained.  I then had sensations of something being sent downward on a wire and lifted back up as well as dragon fly eyes.  All very lucid as in a dream and yet I was wide awake. Veils are thinning.  This Space Being came in again after noon today.  I am being drawn to two locations: Mt Baker and Mt Rainier.  I will visit them before November.

Reiki and singing bowls yesterday.  Reiki Woman lives in magic.  She puts a white rose on my heart chakra.  A small cherub like face appears at the left side of my face.  I acknowledge it and it stays with me the entire time.  My mental mind chattered the entire session showing me that I have been much too busy.  I mentioned Dragon and Turtle before the session and at the end she mentioned that she did not find Dragon along any chakra lines.  And then she exclaimed, “You are Dragon!”  She told me that purple and black were dominant during the session.  She invited me to her Reiki group.

I know him in North vibration, I know him in South vibration.  This weekend in close proximity new “ground” opened up.  In a moment of communication exchange my solar plexus charged/expanded.  It is the space below heart chakra and above root chakra. I had not felt this before and name it and claim it here as it represents a new portal and that horizon line E/W. 

I met a woman at a Transition event who is very spiritually oriented.  We visited for a couple hours today.  She is very soothing and comforting.  Feels like new “allies” are coming into my force field.  I’ve invited her to join me in a Happiness Initiative meeting tomorrow with Laura.

When emotions, thoughts, words get suppressed/buried in unconscious they rise up sooner or later.  For years I’ve buried these things in relationships.  Now they are rising up.  Today the home care nurse was in a huff and asking me why I don’t call her to communicate.  I told her that I don’t enjoy communicating with her because she is unpleasant.  As she raises her voice to me I ask her to change her tone.  She did.  This is my lesson!  To be in the moment enough to honor my feelings through my throat chakra and voice!  My feelings are dowsers scanning the waters of relationship.


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