Om / Aum
The force field spoke yesterday at our International Day of Peace concert. There was a new vibration quiet and still. There was no static...anywhere. At one point I stood outside the grand barn venue and looked to the sky feeling and acknowledging the shift. A horizon felt extended through Earth and Sky. A breakthrough in OM vibration from which thought and action flow. Is it the point at center of X? A cross over point as Chi connects? As energy and dark mass become One? This is the language of the past but now this OM vibration comes in as a line…a horizon line. Not sure what this means. I watch. I listen.
Such a paradox…yesterday was the happiest day of my life as my Beloved and I spent time together in friendship…for the first time! And as I say “happiest” I think of my children and how those moments were also the happiest. Happy must be about giving birth to Life on Earth! Happiness is about Creation! Another aspect about happy yesterday is the culmination of so very many years of working with -/+ energies to learn the expression of Love, Truth and Life and in turn to learn from Love, Truth and Life.
The paradox is that it was such a quiet and still day emotionally. It was an OM experience…a new line of horizontal Beingness of Heaven and Earth in peaceful harmony.
The shift happened creating N/S alignment. Turtle is happy and Turtle Island smiles.
And for the record....He and I were in the garden under apple trees. I handed him an apple and he took a bite. There was no serpent present that I know of...there was a huge hornet nest hanging from one of the trees. There were no fig leaves and no shame. We were in a Garden of Life, of Creation! A new cycle begins and with it new intensity and responsibility to be laser like.
This doesn’t mean everything is in perfect harmony in my personal experience or in this realm. Yesterday in its stillness I left the key in the car ignition on the entire event! What was that about? It almost brought up shame and off-centeredness. But as Dana sings in his song “Sometimes” about coal trains “there is no backing down now.” I and we stand upright in Love, Truth and Life!

Om is also written ओ३म् (ō̄m [õːːm]), where ३ is प्लुत (pluta, "three times as long"), indicating a length of three morae (that is, the time it takes to say three syllables)—an overlong nasalized close-mid back rounded vowel—though there are other enunciations adhered to in received traditions. It is placed at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred incantation to be intoned at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or prior to any prayer or mantra. It is used at the end of the invocation to the god being sacrificed to (anuvakya) as an invitation to and for that God to partake of the sacrifice.. The Māndukya Upanishad is entirely devoted to the explanation of the syllable. The syllable consists of three phonemes, a (Vaishvanara),[1] u (Hiranyagarbha), and m (Ishvara), which symbolize the beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe and the associated gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, respectively.[2] The name omkara is taken as a name of God in the Hindu revivalist Arya Samaj and can be translated as "I Am Existence
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