
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Force Field Speaks

Friday was International Day of Peace.  That previous Monday my client started yelling at me (again) so I left immediately.  In spite of his phone pleas and apologies I did not respond or return until the next day.  He has been respectful since.  

Thursday night at a Transition class at the Grange one woman who is an Executive of the Grange was making vague comments that TW is not a project of the Grange.  She has what I think are control issues and I have had other clashes with her.  As she and I were washing dishes I wanted to get to the bottom of this.  I pressed her and was laser-like pointed. I expressed my feelings (not professional but honest—a professional would have asked for time outside this public class but my emotions were leading and I was ticked!) saying that she was being negative, not supportive and that I was very disappointed.  She left immediately in a huff. I called the Grange Master the next day and he told me that TW is not a project of the Grange because the members are not Grange members.  I asked when he had planned to inform me of that and he said, “Well, it just came up now.”  The truth is it had been up with people who had discussed this behind my back.  I emailed the following to several executive members of the Grange:

“It is unfortunate that I had to learn from ______’s comments that TW is not a project of the Grange.  I am wondering why no one had enough respect for me to have discussed this with me.  This way of doing “business” does not build community.” 

The force field between the Grange and Transition had spoken.  It was dark and muddy and I pressed into that mud with laser like emotion that was not dainty or contained.  I let her have it!  I feel better and change is the consequence.  I asked a couple of people at the class if they noticed the tension.  To my surprise they had not.  What felt like a huge storm to me seemed to somehow be contained.

What is a force field?  It is negative space in between physical mass.  It holds dark debris and static and it holds clear color and sound.  A conscious being works to break up the debris and clear the field.  Others muck it up and keep it that way in ignorance.

On TV Music Choice this moment is the song We Are Glass:  We may shine, we may shatter, may be picking up the pieces here on after. We are fragile, we are human, we are shaped by the light we let through us.  By Thompson Square 

I saw John Edward on Dr. Phil recently doing his mediumship.  Is this not an aspect of communcating through negative space?  The night of this TV show I had a dream that my ex-husband had left me a voice message.  I called him back and he answered.  I listened closely to his voice to hear what he wanted.  He seemed distant and cool.  Though our relationship was muddy and dysfunctional we did laugh a lot!  This laughter continues to ripple through negative space because I choose to focus on that. 


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