
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dragon Song

Years ago a Fairy dressed in white and radiating white spoke to me from the top of Murhut Falls in Duckabush along Hood Canal at the East edge of the Olympic Rainforest.  Her name is Octavia.  I revisited her last week.  In the past when I went into wilderness I did so alone.  Now, I choose to be with friends.  This is a significant change for me as humans were distracting to my energy field in my pursuit of solitude and introspection.  I asked my friend for alone time and tuned in to chi and moved chi.  This place is definitely a power point on Earth and I always acknowledge the Ancestors that reside here.  A song came through…one that I carry (it rises up) and often sing:  Where I sit is holy, Holy is the ground, Forest, Mountain, River, Listen to the sound, Great Spirit circle, All around me.  I love this power place!

Last week at a stop light a man behind me honks and waves to get me to turn.  I had noticed him in my rear view mirror earlier and the large turquoise rings on his fingers.  At the next light he pulled up next to me and I looked over at him and then…he looked at me.  We were eye to eye.  And what did my body do?  Did it give him the evil eye?  Did it silently growl at him?  This was an empty space in time that held no thought or emotion.  And then out of the blue my body…smiled… and he returned the smile!  What swift peacemaking that came up from underground unconscious.  I attributed that peaceful and happy resolution to chi that moves through dense matter.  The man was in a Health Department vehicle and I thought about his day and the work he does.  I guess my body was expressing compassion/empathy.

As these threads of light move through my life so do dark ones that hold criticism, judgment, and irritation toward other humans.  At times I have to catch myself and tell myself to stop being negative.   It’s so easy to be blissful in wilderness and in attunement with beings of other dimensions.  It’s not this easy to be grounded in dense matter.  I look at the whole picture asking what is going on and conclude:  Here I grow again!  More room for chi as unconscious negativity rises up and out!  It’s not pretty or pleasant but unconditional love begins within.  Peace and happiness is ongoing practice!


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