
Monday, August 27, 2012

Linking Up; Linking Down

Attended the 2012 Happy Conference at Seattle University. By dinner the first day I was drained and had to sit at dinner alone. I wondered why this experience was so different from the weekend before in Missoula with Pull Together Now folks. Then, an "ah-ha" moment! I had not offered the Chi exercise. So, Saturday morning I asked Laura Musikanski, ED of the Happiness Initiative, if I could do a chi exercise. She graciously said yes and invited me on stage. It was such an honor to offer this to a circle of "happy" people. Later in the day one woman expressed appreciation to me for the chi "prayer" and said that she'd like to see that done all over the world. I agreed wholeheartedly!

What a month of connections! In Missoula I met a couple of clear and powerful people: Merle Lefkoff and Lars Larsson. Both involved with Global National Happiness. At the 2012 Happy Conference I was introduced to even more people and networks to plug into. This is an amazing shifting of gears. My R&R is over and now I have more projects than ever to work on. How does one hold so many threads? Reminds me of that song: inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow.

I am now on a planning team for a 2013 Chautauqua event. The lead of this team, Heidi, expresses happiness. She and I exchanged many smiles and light beams eye to eye. Laura Musikanski is another one who laughs a lot and she lead us in a couple songs from the stage. Happiness is a verb to folks associated with the Happiness Movement rather than a noun.
I mentioned that I’d like Indigenous people to be part of our 2013 Happiness events…especially Native Americans. I offered to be that link. And tonight here at Starbucks I introduced the Happiness Network to the Transition Network so that our joined forces can be more enlivened and synergetic. Sustainability, resilience and happiness linked in intelligent expression on Earth!

At the Conference an idea evolved over wine with a young woman attending UBC and part of a Transition group there: Village Vancouver, I think. She will be working with First Nations/Haidi people to create a Happiness Survey for their culture much like the one that Bhutan uses. She and I brainstormed an idea that kept increasing in momentum. I'm eager to ground the idea even more with different ones. I think it has the potential of being a huge and positive hit. Will see... 

In all the socializing this month I saw how some people love to talk and talk and talk with no gaps anywhere for me to inject emotion or thought. This is so very draining. I don’t enjoy being with these people. How do I address this in the moment? Do I simply ask for equal time? It is so nice when there is a conversation that volleys back and forth in balance. 

Yesterday, after two full days of conferencing and weeks of activity I woke up to many chores that needed attention. I didn’t dwell on the “I have to” but just started my day with Chi-ing and one step after another I got ALL my chores done. I was amazed at the new energy that was simply present sustaining me. I am learning so much from chi!


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