
Monday, August 13, 2012

Dragon Egg

Unconscious body speaks and conscious body hears seeing the porous nature of polarities.

Lines of force connect polarities or not.  What makes the difference?

My head, neck and shoulders are out of alignment.  I am getting body work treatments and am told I should see a chiropractor.  When the therapist worked on me last week I was told that my mid back was tense/tight.  Again she told me to take in unconditional love.  That inhale reminded me of relaxation.  Loving myself!  And to my surprise my body wants me to sit still and read.  So I picked up Ursula LeGuin and her Earthsea stories.  I love the women of the Hand and the weaving of spells. I see planet earth embedded in lines of force/spells that weave love or hate, peace or war, happiness or pain.  Every feeling, thought, action is a weaving thread letting in oxygen or not.

While inhaling and working with the heart chakra/mid back I saw a white “tire” around my middle.  The tire stayed with me and became leather like:  Dragon! I thought.  Dragon with white belly.  At a baby shower recently a gift I chose is a dragon pendant holding white egg at belly. I looked in the book of Revelations to see if white dragon was mentioned.  I could not find one.  So, I am adding this dragon to that story in the Bible.

Perhaps dragon with white belly has to do with singing bowls. I listen/watch as I try to function moment by moment day by day in a linear and logical world.

Taking a QiGong lesson this week and singing bowl session next month.  I continue to work at grounding  my body.


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