
Monday, July 9, 2012

Portal Breathing

Honest communication is important to me:  honesty from this visible realm to invisible realms and honesty from invisible realms to this one.  If I am not honest I cut off circulation within and around myself via all the” portals” that support me. Portals are on my mind because of the recent articles about scientists discovering portals of X connection (where there is an X there is a circle) in our universe or as I would prefer to say in our universal body. Reading the article I was immediately impressed that X portals are the way the Universe breathes life into matter. Portals breathe.

Mystery Man is not always mysterious.  He does come through loud and clear at times.  One of those times was when we recently exchanged a hug.  Our full bodied direct contact felt like nothing I have ever experienced.  There were places on my body and between our bodies that felt like openings. The airiness was as if our bodies were breathing together.  It was a different kind of charge and was no ordinary hug…this was “portal” magic.  The crazy making that upsets me is when invisible and visible realities do not align.  So, I let go of the crazy making drama and stay focused on portals…breathing life into matter that I am.

Semi-retirement brings with it more time for activities that I enjoy and so I find myself over active. This frantic pace is integrated with my imbalanced patterns with food so the deeper I go with one the deeper I go with the other. How do I put breath and relaxation at the center of it all?  Tai chi comes to mind and is how I want to move through my days.  Tai chi is active meditation through a moving body.  I can shift energy as I think about the chi flow that moves through my physical form.  This means I have to stay in my body and not get ahead of myself or outside myself.  There is so much to learn about relaxation of body, mind, emotion in X relationship with spirit that moves through when I am aligned.


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