
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Women Clothed With the Sun

This is a blog post from that I received from a "Sista" in our Redmond Red Tent circle.

As the sun rises at about 4.45am tomorrow morning, you may - if you have the correct eyewear and the sky is clear - witness a truly rare astronomical event. Only seven of these events have been recorded since the invention of the telescope, and they occur when Venus passes in front of the Sun, creating a dark spot that travels across the Sun’s surface.

These Venus transits come in pairs separated by eight years - the last one was in 2004 - and this will be the only opportunity to see this event in the lifetime of anyone currently alive on this planet, as the next one doesn’t happen until 2117.

So, as I was saying yesterday - here’s another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But what does it all mean, if anything? I wrote in an earlier blog post about the symbolism of the Venus transit heralding return of the solar feminine - that aspect of feminine energy that is bold, creative and radiant. The solar feminine shines not just through the success and expression of women, but through the power of a man’s emotions received in his heart.

This idea points to the return of the Goddess - and I’ve seen some predictions that this heralds the fall of the patriarchy. What I’m reflecting on, however, is that it might have something to do with feminine power balancing the out-of-control masculine power on this planet. You could think of it as an inner reunion between the masculine and feminine elements of ourselves

It’s no coincidence that Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee at this time as she is the embodiment of enduring solar (regal) feminine power. But her power is of a different era and we need fresh, new feminine energy to come into play.

This means women everywhere taking responsibility and stepping into their power wherever and whenever they can, being authentic and speaking their truth.
That’s the kind of feminism I can applaud: women clothed with the sun.


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