
Friday, June 15, 2012

Unconditional Love

 He informed me that I had written “Sinday” instead of Sunday.  What was that about?  The first thing that came to mind was Freud and the unconscious.  Later when I looked at it again I realized it was Goddess speaking.  She is Trickster!  So I conclude that Freud interprets the unconscious while Goddess IS the unconscious both very different angles.

As Sandusky drama involves crimes in the shower I am dealing with someone asking me to get in the shower with him.  I told him “no” a couple of times.  I saw that I was complaining to others instead of talking to him directly and that this was the same pattern I had with my dad until I was 40 and found my voice telling him not to speak to me in that way.  When I spoke up the other day he said it was just a joke and that all the other girls and his wife would have Iaughed.  This reminded me of the silence around my dads’ shenanigans.  Here we go again…another round.  A day later, in one moment I realized how I could tell him he was disrespectful and at the same time give him the reason why.  I drew four concentric circles:  body, mind, emotion, spirit and told him whole health is healing all the parts and respecting others is the same way.  I am more than a body!  This morning I read him a section of Peace Is Every Step.  He is receptive which is why I continue supporting him.

I woke up and thought about him.  Then communication moved through as one whole.  The words:  “I love you.”  This didn’t scare me and I didn’t try to retrieve the words to protect myself.  I am at a place of unconditional love without expectation or attachment.  Such a love carries power and passion neither of which I fear for this is Goddess energy.


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