
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy City

I was taking a break from organizing but a project has been gestating. That project is the Happiness Initiative and a specific plan has been in my head for a couple of weeks. In fact I wrote a "public comment" for the next city council that includes my vision. This morning at Tully's I saw a familiar face and owner of a local winery. He is a dynamic and good guy and I simply felt like asking him if he knew about the Happiness Initiative. He knew it through Seattle City Councils' work and agreed to endorse the project. The project just landed and flew...two directions/angles at once! Now, I will gather more people, get communication systems in place so Woodinville residents are inspired to take the online Happiness Survey. Our first Woodinville Festival in 2013 will be a perfect time to roll out our city's collective happiness profile. New work begins and I am happy!


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