
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Love Affairs

 How would I spend vacation time without a “to do” list?  How would I fill up time on this island? I felt anxious.

I drove North and unintentionally landed at Roche Harbor and Sculpture Park.  Life is an adventure as I often end up in places unexpected…no, I’m not lost…I’m on an adventure.  Cedar wax wing and dragonflies greeted me.  It was/is a meditative spot in the middle of the week without the rush of tourists.

The first thing I noticed at my cove cabin was the sound of water kissing the shore, the sound of water waving, breathing—aahh—relaxing.  I walked to the pond lush in green and as I sat an object crashed loudly through the trees next to me…an eagle and so close!  Vacation had begun.

I continued my day letting my body guide me as we explored the islands’ ley lines from one point to another.  My head buzzed in sweet vibration as I walked through trees and lush underbrush stopping here and there to view the waters’ distant islands and mountains. I did this ritual full circle all around the island!  In Hawaii I feel claustrophobic on this island I did not.  I seemed to melt into its heart breathing with her/him as both energies seemed present.  (I write in past and present tense because the island is still with me, a reality in this time and space).

At English Camp I learned that in the late 1800s the military set up camp on the site of a “midden” that was 1000-2000 years old.  How arrogant of the white man to dismantle someone’s home space.  Later I thought about taking my drum and singing for those native peoples.  I never did that physically as I felt somewhat timid.  I rationalized that the thought was enough.

Wildlife adds to the magic of this island with song birds, deer, fawns, eagles, fox, otters, invisible whales and plentiful plant life.  And at the heart of this island is a lavender farm…yummy lightness! 

Throughout my island adventure I kept noticing a charge (+/-) at the top of my head.  It had/has an uplifting quality and stays in place through the dramas of this world. I am contributing it to the new Ph balance of my systems as I eat less sugar, flour, meat.  Something new is happening in this earth body that I am.  It’s a living miracle to be hungry for raw cabbage and living food instead of empty sweets.

Arriving home I wondered at the buzzing charge that was everywhere on the island.  Was it the faeries?  Was it the Elementals?  Was it the island Deva?  Was it God/dess?  Upon falling asleep images appeared of Native People…yes, they hear/d me.  I will again take my drum and maybe, this time, sing them a song.

On vacation I fell in love with a land mass, an island, both masculine and feminine in living expression.

I experienced another love affair last week when I was “Elder” at a “village week” for young children.  Before I read my story Turtle’s Circle of Life one girl put a white silk scarf around my shoulders. She did this tenderly, speaking sweetly and looking me in the eyes. Her acknowledgement was very loving and I was enchanted by her.  I do notice lately that I am mesmerized by young people.  Is it my age that allows me to notice their radiance? Is it my age that allows me to circle back and be their age in a purity and innocence that transcends matter’s time and space?

Love affairs surround me!  It’s quite wholesome and contributes to this charge that holds/carries me and that I hold/carry.

I picked up several books for my client on emotional intelligence. “Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain.”  This is the greatest love affair of all because it is this relationship that breathes life as and through positive and negative charge. It is this relationship of masculine and feminine forces that creates and sustains life through matter.  This charge determines quality of health, quality of life.  A partial charge is a weak life; no charge is no life. This charged “circle of life” breathes through pulsations and rhythms of charge, discharge and recharge.  Matter learns to hold this charge keeping us balanced and focused on positive orientation so we are not fooled by that which is changing and passing away. This charge holds us up/right!


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