
Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's New?

Another earthquake dream: I was looking up and felt sharp up and down rippling. I watched/listened with my whole being as it subsided. I had no emotion in response nor action. Jean Houston was then reading notes that I had written about it to an audience. She saw the serious look on my face and her tone changed. I am speaking in Montana next month at an event for Pull Together Now (I am a Board member). The title of my talk is Weaving Transition through Peace and Happiness and will highlight the projects I have been working on over the years and the Happiness Initiative which I am gradually introducing to local folks. One thought is for a sister city relationship and project to emerge between Woodinville and Missoula. Looks like my vacation from organizing is over. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends. Becoming more conscious of my unconscious habits and working to change them. What food am I choosing, am I sitting down to eat, am I breathing, am I calm, etc. In the process of healing I am wanting to get more exercise and its feeling good to do push ups! Never thought I'd say that but it must be an energy, nerve, muscle, cellular request. Feels harmonious. Aging is a factor I now deal with mentally, emotionally and physically. Always more to digest, process. Such is life!


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