
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pull Together Now

Attended a meeting with Fostering Interfaith Relations in Eastside (FIRE). The facilitator began with negative comments about a very popular non-denominational church in Seattle. I was surprised that leaders of local churches were putting down another church because they are less active in social justice. (Does this talk not feed into the rampant discrimination?) I do understand their sentiments about self-centered churchgoers who want to get something for themselves. And yet how can I judge as this is where I started my spiritual journey so many years ago? Before enlightenment: self-centeredness. After enlightenment: self-centeredness. The words look the same and sound the same but are total opposites because of the energy around them.

I am looking forward to meeting folks in Montana with Pull Together Now and Transition Missoula. I have much to say regarding weaving peace and happiness. The question came to mind: How can I talk about peace and happiness in such a dark world? The response: I'm not talking logically. I'm talking intuitively, mystically, spiritually, knowingly. It's a different world view and is the reason I and we can see, speak and be peace and happiness in these times of transition.

Defining a

How To Pull Together Now?
August 18, 2012, 9-5PM
Payne Native American Center, University of Montana

Hosted by:
Pull Together Now

9:00 AM                      Welcome by Lisa Smith – Co-Director of Pull Together Now!  
9:15 AM                      Guest Presenters
Merle Lefkoff
·         Center for  Emergent Diplomacy,            
·         The United Nations Gross National Happiness Project
                                                Lars Larsson - Timeless Knowledge (TK), Stockholm, Sweden
·         TK education project underway with the Dalai Lama
·         Potential for a TK Center in Montana
Derrick Rhayn­ - Co-Director of Pull Together Now
·         Network Weaving
·         Strategic funding of networks
·         Chautauquas Across America
Trish Knox - Weaving Transition through Peace & Happiness
Terry Zee Lee – Sky Wind World                              
·         The Eagle and Condor Kite Project
             Justin McCoy - Pulling together to move the world to balance!

11:00 AM                    Open time for local organizations to tell their stories.

12:00 – 1:00PM          B.Y.O. Brown Bag Lunch on the UM Oval!
12:30                           Flying of the Eagle and the Condor Kites, on the UM Oval
1:00 – 3:00PM            Pull Together Talking Circles & Working Groups
            3:00 – 4:00PM                        Conclusion and wrap up


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