
Monday, July 30, 2012

Tibetan Singing Bowls

It wasn’t a conscious choice to connect with singing bowls.  It was unconscious as I rummaged through my book case to recycle a few books.  Several years ago I had purchased How to Heal with Singing Bowls, Traditional Tibetan Healing Methods by Suren Shrestha after a powerful session with such bowls.  I wanted to attend more sessions but I couldn’t afford them and I’d worked hard at getting out of debt. 

I read that Vedic and Himalayan chakra systems are different in some respects.  They are the same in that they work with seven planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Venus, Moon and seven elements tin, lead mercury gold, iron, copper, silver. 

Each Tibetan singing bowl begins as a molten mixture of the special seven sacred metals. It takes three to four people to hammer each bowl.  One holds the hot metal with blacksmith tongs while two or three others alternate hammering and chanting, infusing the bowl with healing intentions even as it’s being created.

Chakras are energy centers in the body corresponding to neural networks branching out from the spinal cord and glands in the endocrine system.  When these centers are balanced one’s life becomes more balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually. Each chakra is associated with a note, color, seed mantra, body center and various human qualities.

The sound of the scale interval of a fifth is relaxing, soothing and centering to listen to. Teachers of Tibetan singing bowl therapy from ancient times set up their singing bowls in a pattern where they strike the bowls in intervals of fifths because they feel this sound is beautiful to hear, and the vibrations of the fifth are especially good for balancing the heart chakra. Harmonic vibrational research theory by Dr. Harold Gradstaff Moses, director of the Institute of Harmonic Science in Phoenix, Arizona, indicates that the musical interval of the perfect fifth (a mathematical relationship of 3:2) and the resultin harmonic overtones have the ability to favorably influence the parasympathetic nervous system while modifying the listener’s state of consciousness.

Last night I did one of the practices:   Center yourself and follow the breath.  On the inhale bring your attention to the issue or specific chakra with the intention to clear negativity and to heal. As I did this I was aware that each chakra is a singing bowl and in doing this a most amazing SHIFT happened. I was inside my body and not outside thinking or looking in.  This shift of position was very significant reminding me of my salamander (representing kundalini) so many years ago and how I was looking out his/her eyes and how I had evolved into salamander/serpent/dragon.  I also felt that I was inside the singing bowl of the cosmos.  It was definitely a new overarching position in consciousness. The whole energetic experience was a conscious circular weaving of my chakras from within my body.  An amazing shift that is difficult to convey via words.

As more of us sing together from balanced hearts we change those around us.  I forget the word but the environment begins to resonate with us. This “politics” of heart song is powerful medicine.

Speaking of medicine my blood work had nothing significant out of balance and the naturopath sent me away with a breathing technique for stress and suggested Bach flower remedies.  I was told that my “inflammation” may not be inflammation but they had no answers.  The waves of heat do remind me of hot flashes from the past and I begin to wonder if my body is experiencing “fever” and burning up toxins as it monitors my blood sugar telling me when I eat the wrong food or too much of the wrong food.  Aging is not fun in some respects and in other respects this is the best time of my life.  I love being single, free and independent not having to answer to anyone.  I love being with family, friends and community.  I love my job most of the time.  I love my gardens.  I dance to my own music without anyone pulling or pushing me.  Yes, it would be nice to have a physical lover but in the past that has lead to emotional attachment and lack of freedom/space.  So, I like my life as it is right now as I respond to the attractions and learn from the dramas that weave in and out as singing bowls. It is very self-centered and cosmic-centered…so fun!

As I write 7:30 AM I hear a hot air balloon over head and house this early morning.  I do love this valley but it would be nice with fewer cars.  That bright yellow and red balloon landed in the field nearby.  I bought kites for an ocean get away with family!  More fun!

As I write 11:08 AM I take flowers from my valley to a high school classmates’ mom.  He and another classmate passed away this month.  And I take veggies, flowers and gifts to Raelee’s first birthday with family.  Life is full!


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