
Monday, August 20, 2012

Pulled Together in Missoula MT

My first night in Montana I awoke with a Chi exercise to share with the Pull Together group.  As we introduced ourselves I included that I am psychic and a mystic and that Transition with its Heart and Soul, Head, Heart and Hands and Creative Genius of Community components give me a place to express this aspect of myself.  As we were about to begin the first session I offered this chi exercise:

Put your palms together a few inches apart.  Move them slightly and feel the chi or life force. Put your palms outward and extend Chi to one another.  Put your palms downward and extend Chi to Mother Earth.  Put your palms upward and extend Chi to the sky/cosmos.  This Chi life force is woven through threads both invisible spiritually and visible materially through our work in the world.

Justin, with Transition Missoula practices Buddhism and added that we put our hands at our shoulders and connect hand to hand.  This created a circuit and someone commented how they could feel it.  Thank you Justin!  Then someone in the circle began talking about solar energy supporting what had just transpired.  I’m glad it worked out…as opening myself up this way was new to me. 

At this gathering we talked about Gross National Happiness and the Happiness Initiative.  I was surprised to learn that people aren’t comfortable with the word “happy” so there is a search for the right word such as well-being or sustainable.  I like “happy” and will continue to use it. 

Happy is a verb and is expressed and known/felt emotionally.  I don’t understand this debate…it’s not demonstrating “happy.”  It is demonstrating the left brain’s pattern of analyzing and dissecting.  Does this suggest that when the right word appears for everyone we can be happy?  Something is backwards here, twisted.

How about some “happy” values in the media?  I flipped to CNN last night and saw a pizza delivery man being blown up by a device tied to him.  I saw police with what seemed to me as pleased looks on their faces.   This reminds me of the many times news anchors deliver dreadful news with delighted tones in their voice and the look of pleasure on their face.  This world is insane and sick, sick, sick!  This broadcast is the lowest low for CNN.  Why does anyone need to see this total lack of respect for the sacred human body?  Happy values reflect sacred values.

I am now organizing a Peace Day event because Dana had it on his calendar.  It’s coming together spontaneously, easily.  As I contact people I have not talked to or seen in many months my heart is touched.  Is heart a chi center?  Yes!  The heart breathes!

Local grassroots events with positive values ground Chi and uplift Chi through our circulation as material and spiritual human bodies.  Peace events and Happy Cities are points of Light and it is critical in these dark times that they increase and connect in a network.  So, let’s get over the lethargy and contribute this “expression, education and celebration of community” the mission statement of my non-profit Community Threads.  (That needs a new and solid Board of Directors if I am to do more with it in this business world.) 

Chi is oxygen that sustains us and it is at its lowest level on this planet.  Will it continue to deplete or can enough awakened and enlightened humans provide the needed transfusion? 

Transition is a Light network and one that works for me because I know that spirit landed me here.  I don’t need to look around and find another network.  Doing so dissipates Chi.  Doing so does not honor Chi. If one simply follows their heart they will ground where they need to be.  Following one’s heart is something that needs to be modeled and thus taught the same way as “happy” does.

There was some fragmentation at our Montana gathering because the “circle” was not emphasized.  Some egos were pulling this way and that.  What is the Truth about a circle?  It is inclusive.  It values each one.  It is heart centered.  Do we have a good model for a circle of harmony?  Yes…the human body!  There is no competition between organs, nerves or muscles.  They work to do what they were created to do.  Now, how do we as a human body learn from Creator and His/Her Creation?

Sorry left, non-linear brain, you will share space with right, non-linear expression that is creating a new reality here on Earth.  Balance is rising up on the horizon with its “outcome” of peace and happiness that are the emotional expression of ONE LOVE.


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