
Friday, August 24, 2012

Balance = Intelligence

In Missoula's circle with Pull Together Now there was a moment when I felt the person next to me was anxious.  I rode that emotion and tried to fix things by saying something that proved later to be illogical and not fitting into the whole.  This is a good lesson for me in my relationship with Chi.  I can feel emotions around me but can learn to be intelligent in my response.  More muscles to develop!

This morning as I was Chi-ing I heard that Dragon is Chi!  If that is the case why is Dragon portrayed as dark and evil?  Who or what would want to degrade Life Force?

Something strange is going on in my head.  It is an ongoing spasm at the left neck and the jolt runs upward never downward.  Yesterday there was a moment it was so intense that I felt like some entity was intentionally grabbing me or maybe working to heal the imbalance in my body.  So many mysteries...  I don't know what is next.  I watch. I listen.

2012 Happy Conference today in Seattle.  I'm wearing my dragon shirt and pendant.  I am happy!


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