
Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Dragon Body

My grandson stayed with me to celebrate his 8th birthday.  We went to see the 3D movie Paranorman about a boy who can see ghosts, ghouls, demons.  What causes the dead to stay Earth bound and what frees them up?  Are demons, ghosts and ghouls something us humans in dark matter create and thus something we can release as portrayed in the movie?  My grandson asked me, “If you could have a power force what would it be?  I said, “To spread love and peace so people would be happy.”   He said, “Don’t you already do that?”  He’s so sweet!  His power force would be to change prices in stores…probably because we had just shopped for his birthday gift and there was a limit.

I haven’t talked about this because it is personal and sacred.  I talk about it now because it is personal, sacred and thus has a direct impact on the collective Conscious and Unconscious Body.  Telepathic sex is quite common.  Is anyone writing or speaking about it?  Are there any movies reflecting this way of communicating? The experience of opening up to invisible telepathic forces can be dangerous/toxic and it can be blissful/pure. The difference is felt in one’s body.

Over the years I’ve known a long distant point of light that moves me.  He-Dragon brings out the She-Dragon in me.  Again and again I have let go of the connection.  Again and again it has come back around.  Lately I have been watching how our unified Dragon force moves in my personal body.  I notice my hard, firm lines of the spine and soft, supple zones that give and receive as a dance.  These two opposites move in my body as erotic bliss and they move with his body as erotic bliss. Exponential bliss!

Most recently I watched my body shake and shake and shake unconsciously and remembered my earthquake dreams.  This was new and not orgasmic in the usual physical sense…this shaking flesh held intelligence.  What did I learn from my body?  That my body is Her body…that there is One Earth Body!  Dragon contact and expression alleviates some of the pressure held in Mother Earth’s body of hard, firm plates and soft, supple magma and that sexual fire in balance with water, air and earth can have a balancing effect on Mother Earth. 

And what if we add to this sacred dance the conscious forgiveness of past, present and future hatred and violence on this planet?  Blissful release for the Whole Body…as depicted in the Paranorma movie!  This transcendent experience leaves ego behind with its petty dramas and shallow pleasures.  This Dragon experience raises energy and matter to new vibration and consciousness radiating Light and Love. 

Yes, we humans can turn the prophecies of doom!  Yes, we can brighten up this dark planet.  Yes, we can express joy in a whole body for the whole…as One Holy Body!


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