
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Garden Body

I started to write in my book project today and the first sentence held new reverberation:
The Sacred Feminine speaks through spontaneous emission rising from the depth and core of unconscious terrain.

My ex-lover stopped by the other day and since I wasn't home he weeded a bit in the garden. I invited him back since it's been awhile since we've seen each other. A couple of months ago when I was with him my body was wanting to make some sensexual overtures but logic held her back. Now, to my surprise, body is again wanting that intimate connection. When I asked him what my physcial response was about he suggested that it was the "season". Perhaps it's true. Much of my garden is ripening and ready for harvest. Maybe my own earth garden is also.

However, the relationship didn't work before so why would I want to dive back in? The answer is clear: to learn more about relationship. Goddess is very fickle however and I may not feel the same way the next time I'm with him. I'm suggesting to him that we keep the temperature cool for a time rather than starting with fire as before. That we build friendship. Before I did the role playing of keeping house and it didn't work. I am too independent to care take a man like my mother did. And he is too much of a free spirit to be caged in. So, how does relationship work? How can two people have independence and yet enjoy intimacy?

All I know is that I'd like a man around once in awhile. I wonder what that means and how that can work between a male and a female?


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