
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Flying and Torque

I was in the office of a man I was attracted to. He was not there and I was looking around at his desk and belongings. Then it occurred to me that I was wasting my time and energy and I wanted to change the pattern and picture. My left arm starts to wave in the air as if to erase the scene. All of a sudden I am flying to one side. My left arm does that again and I wonder if my right arm can do the same thing. So my right arm starts to wave and moves me the other direction. Then I am standing with both feet off the ground a couple of inches. It is such a clear sensation and picture. And then I am flying fast through space. I see a ferris wheel and think Puyallup Fair. I ask myself if I will miss the human life. I think/feel space craft...and all I can do is feel the sensation of being in a space ship/capsule.

How does one know that one is moving through space? What is that sensation when there is nothing to measure it by? It's a physical sensation...energetically. I asked myself what this is when I was awake and reflecting on the dream. The word that came up was "torque".

A torque (τ) in physics, also called a moment, is a vector that measures the tendency of a force to rotate an object about some axis [1] (center). The magnitude of a torque is defined as the product of a force and the length of the lever arm [2] (radius). Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist.


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