
Monday, July 21, 2008


The book I have started to write has a lot of feminine space. It is open and airy like aerated soil. If air gets through so does water. Air represents spirit/light and water represents truth /consciousness.

Friend and I were discussing EDL and how some people refer to it as a cult. I did at one time. The time I left. I've had other experiences of leaving groups where I hit my head on a ceiling. I needed more room to grow and to be. Since then I've realized that not every person nor every group is as inclusive and whole system oriented as I am. Each one and each group has a role like the parts within systems of our body. There are many different functions and roles. Yet each one has a critical responsibility. There is no room for judgment...only room to know where one does not belong and where one does.

A local group I'm active in is dysfunctional and experiencing growing pains. I've been outspoken about peace making, non-violent communication and forgiveness. So far no one has wanted to boot me out. In fact I seem to be having a positive effect. If that changes and I hit a wall I will leave -- as I have done many times in the past. I work in and with porous ground where there is receptivity to inclusion and working as one whole system.


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