
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Emotion Shifts

In Walla Walla I spoke to a group about the film and Speaker's Bureau. I saw two people fall asleep. One right before my eyes. I was speaking with passion because the film is significant in that it offers an opportunity to circulate positive energy around this state. Just when I thought he was engaged (he was looking directly at me) his eyes closed in drowsiness. What was that about? One c0-worker said that my voice is soothing and even hypnotic. I know I do go into deeper "registers" (not sure what that word means but it's what came up) because the tone is peaceful to me. I also know that when I was with EDL and new people would join us for service they would often fall asleep. It was thought that new people were not ready to hear Truth so they slipped into sleep. In spite of the sleep three people offered to help with the film in their local community! Next month we go to another community and another one the month after that. There has been a definite shift at work. I am now working more synergetically with others. The beat has picked up pace. This is happening with a department, between staff in general, and now with staff across the state. This synergy of parts coming together as one whole is also happening in a group in my local community. I guess it's what my book is also about. Parts coming together to express new language and to witness new outcomes. Out with lethargy -- in with e-motion!

Before sleep body wanted a man to press into. Logic took a look at that along with emotion. "What man would that be," they ask? There is no man in the picture who is single, available and attractive electro-magnetically (whole body and not lower body). Personal emotion cannot stir up any enthusiasm about relating intimately with a man who has another woman in his life. This is about care taking my emotions. My body, mind and emotion have been down those roads and they are not going there any more. So, what did I press into instead? Green land....Earth Mother's body. This "pressing" communion is more than sexuality. It's resonant. It's synergetic. A major shift!


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