
Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Saw Evil

I saw evil yesterday as I drove the road I grew up on. A road once lined with fir trees now a six-lane strip mall. I saw evil encroaching its way to Mt. Rainier/Tahoma. Evil stripping the land of trees and nutrients faster and faster bringing with it traffic congestion. I saw humans as cancer cells out of control and destroying earthy flesh. Soon the Tacoma/Olympia area will be another LA. Our house and one next to it still stands looking old and out of place with green land around it. I want to get to that land and do a ceremony before it too is gobbled up.

I saw evil yesterday at the wildlife park that looks more like a zoo these days. Animals in cages for human enjoyment. It's cruelty.

I saw evil yesterday as g-daughter plays computer games with no social or emotional interraction. With no connecting or relating to nature. I saw evil as kids turn into robots and machines.

I saw evil yesterday at the neighborhood pool. As a family of bullies come into the water bringing their aggression and anger.

I saw evil yesterday in patterns of diet that are stamped all across America. Choices at the local pool are not living food.

Where is our intelligence? Where is our Light?


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