
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Curved Pastel Waves

Before sleep last night I saw with third eye pastel colored curved lines moving together. Straight line (like the one that emerged between myself and cottonwood) now has curves ~ wave ~ like.

Recently I was thinking that I will need to say this and that in my book. That I will need to explain such and such. Then a voice says, "No!" I will not stress about detail and information. I cleared space for spirit. And then new inspiration/information came in at the lake and boulder. Mental mind has to be still for creativity to move.

Feminine that I am is deep underground. It's a quiet and receptive container of magic. It's scary for a lot of people who are afraid to let go of this world that is solid. I am most comfortable in fluid space. I have many friends there.

Masculine that I am is with me in my travels but takes a back seat. He is not dominant. He allows me to listen and travel in multi-dimensions. He greets me when I return. Embracing, wrapping around and protecting. He offers information to add to my non-linear inspiration. He has his turn at being dominant. I think that's what the wavy lines signify -- a harmonic.

Sugar is still on my radar -- magnetic. It's like an asteroid -- a solid rock -- having an effect in my field. I saw myself looking for "goodies" at work yesterday. I wasn't even thinking consciously about treats and then I saw myself looking for them. I saw this happen earlier in that process which is a good sign! I am not super strong yet but am getting stronger so that I can say, "No!" No, it's more than's about not having to say "No." It's about my subconscious and unconscious fields being free and clear of this old patterning. Will that ever happen? Or will I always wear this magnetic attraction toward sugar? I've heard that once an addict always an addict. Is that brainwashing or what? Whatever the case I am more conscious every day! My body welcomes health that signifies healing of wounds. I'm letting my body show me the way. I trust my body in its wisdom through masculine and feminine forces.


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