
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tree Awakening

I was just blogging about a tree on and remembered a tree experience the other morning. I went to the river very early to hear the dawn chorus. My body has been wanting the scent of douglas fir so I sat under them at my rock. As dawn chorus was in play I noticed the tree canapy shimmering like a lit up Christmas tree. Little motions would play here and there. I wondered if they were birds but no they were much too small. When I would look straight ahead to focus on the shimmering I would see nothing. But when I looked indirectly I could see movement. There are many movies that portray the magic that tree holds. It's as if the tree was waking up from dark to light and a ceremony was in play. Flashing sparks of life! I am in love with trees! I must share these sparks as I too am tree of life rooted in earth and uprising to sky with branches outreaching.


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