
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feminine Nature = Magic

Drove to our Walla Walla office with two co-workers from Marketing. I learned that one of these new staff has been on a spritual path and does "energy work" through Reike. His wife made her own drum and is an artist. He is also an artist and shared that he met his son in a dream...two years before his son was born. We talked about aliens. As a graphic artist he is very enthused about my book project and wants to be involved. I had no idea it would be that easy to find an artist to draw my Sacred Feminine symbols. Will the book continue to fall together piece by piece? I watch. I listen.

I am listening to and reading about Sandra Ingerman in order to get to know her. I saw a face everal days ago...clear as day. The face was pleasant and looking straight at me with long dark hair. When I saw Sandra on web video I realized how much the two faces look alike.


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