
Friday, July 25, 2008

Soil and Soul

I received a loving email yesterday...from a man. It contained words and sentiment that resounded with me all day. Like an a laser beam...cutting into my soul which feels more and more like soil. His words were honest and true -- heart to heart. He expressed feelings of gratitude, hurt, weakness, and pride. This man is not "on the make" looking to get something from me sexually to fill himself up. He is genuine inside out. A rare gem.

This direct communication beam through language cut deep into my subconscious and brought up hurt and tears. The thoughts that rose with the pain were about childhood and the missing father...the missing connection and communication...the empty space inside.

My body is toxic again...too much sugar. I not disciplined...and resort to past patterns. I appreciate body parts that communicate to me that they are inflamed. I will continue to heal so I can treat my body with more respect...not poison it.

As I interract with people who are genuine and shine light my soil/soul will be nourished at a new level. This personal work transpires with collective work. We heal as one body. Which is why it's so critical that I/we do my/our own inner work.

Rays of hope shine. The body gives and receives messages that our intention is whole health.


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