
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Emission Imprints

I was driving the freeway and feeling anxious. A voice comes in telling me to relax that there is no reason to be anxious. I give inner male credit for embracing and protecting inner female. I give him credit for logic that balances emotion. I wonder where he was last night when I ate 3 homemade cookies at a meeting. That emo-physio layer is still not thin enough to hear him.

I experienced three separate but similar dramas this week:

One with a man who was calling every day...sometimes twice a day. He was emitting a vibe that felt off-beat and off-color. Over a short time he revealed a pattern which I de-coded. As a result I have disconnected.

Another drama involved a couple of women who behave like high school girls. They gave me the strangest looks and vibes this week. It was creepy in its own way. What do I do with toxic energy that is beaming at me? I did get hurt and called a friend to talk with her about it. I guess they connected with my high school persona. It seems there are several choices as to how one responds to light beams or lack of that come into one's field. It seems that one can react, absorb or deflect. I have much to learn about deflection...letting the toxins pass by me or would it be through me? Am I a filter for toxins? Is that healthy?? I guess it would be like an immune system in a larger body or whatever system filters toxins.

Another drama involved a group. One woman was creating chaos and doing a lot of mud slinging. She had been hurt and was volcanic in letting them all erupt at once. I played peace maker and talked about non-violent communication. I thought I might get booted out like I did with the Fairy Congress Council. (Though that experience of being attacked and bannished by the group as full moon rose over Lake Washington was very surreal I now get a good laugh about it. My fairy friends are laughing, too.) The way this drama played out is that the group is now more integrated as a whole and they have invited me closer...I am now a member of their Board.

Light emits from matter and gives information. One responds or reacts to light of matter. One can influence and change matter both near and far as a result.

I saw a beam of light emmanating from tree at the drumming circle. The beam was high to low...or was it low to high? Was it tree emmanation or my emmanation? Was it both? There is so much to learn through expression of light.

I'm having the most positive experience working with a man at the city hall. We bean light eye to eye. I just love this intimacy. A woman at work emits the same light eye to eye. This is more than a twinkle or sparkle in the eye. This is deeper and brings up the sensation of earthy soil imprints.


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