
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pastel Love of Community

I experienced "love" today in a new way. It happened as I was reading blog posts on A couple of people responded to something I had written. This created a "residual" effect on my being -- like a combing, a smoothing out, a comforting. Maybe it's a merging of light beams. Is this nurturing effect the reflection of being seen and heard? Is it a reflection of the sum being more than the parts? It feels soft and pastel like the simple curve images I've been seeing lately.

In four days two different men reached out and touched me on the left shoulder. The touches were pure with no hooks attached. The men were acknowledging my presence in their space and I am very conscious of this healing effect on my "inner child" who didn't receive this recognition. This new pattern of communication also feels pastel and soft: Loving.

So, considering the definition of "residual" love adds something rather than subtracts. I'm still "glowing" in all this loving substance. Very sweet...and quiet. What does this look like bio-chemically -- energetically? As this substance increases person to person outer forms will --transform.

Residual Definition:

1. something left over: something that remains after part of something has been removed

2. statistics difference between actual and theoretical: the difference between results obtained through theoretical calculation and those obtained through observation


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