
Monday, August 4, 2008

Earth Dance

Back home after camping with family -- a first for 10 of us and we all survived! My emotional body didn't want to leave my campsite...the fir trees smelled so good and the towhees (?) entertaining as they cycled through enjoying the mountain ash berries of red. And that bird high up with that one note song I often hear in the woods....a mystery bird. It was a creative space as I got up "early" -- 6:30 AM is not early for me but family thought otherwise -- and wrote more about my sacred feminine journey. The outline now in place to be filled in. My granddaughter joined me briefly at that early hour and suggested that if I went camping more I would get more information. Yes...I like the way she thinks!

Reading Bill Plotkin's Soulcraft I am so happy to see a male talking about the language of the sacred feminine.

Another day of vacation and I'm not sure what my identity is today. Everything feels a bit blurry. From a structured environment that revolved around meals and entertainment plans of the whole I now have to set my sails for me. I listen for wind. I listen to my body for direction. My garden book... Is it okay to do nothing? To be still? How about stillness in action...I continue to learn those instructions.

Serpentine dance of dark and light weave through so many parts within oneself and with others. There are so many diverse relationships and ways to relate as a part of the whole and as a whole amidst the parts. So many tangles and twists in ebb and flow resisting, responding, reacting, deflecting, absorbing, reflecting, charging, dissipating, re-charging, radiating. How can anything stagnate in this dance of diversity? It always goes back to response...angle of response. If angles carry light matter evolves with energy exponentially.

Computer Desktop Encyclopedia: exponential growth

Extremely fast growth. On a chart, the line curves up rather than being straight. Contrast with linear.


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