
Tuesday, February 17, 2009


A couple of nights ago I sensed holes in the field/aura of my Green Heart vision and child that is in process of being born (like a dragon egg). Who would want to abort this vision through their negativity? When I asked a face appeared. I observe...nothing is certain in invisible least that's been my experience.

23 0f us at Genesis are attending a prosperity class by Stretton Smith. I find it amazing that each week his tape and book, written quite a few years ago, highlight exactly what is unfolding in my world. How can such alignment happen? Today Hank Wesselman sends e-news about Egypt and the temples as ancient teachers. How does such alignment happen? The answer is: hologram. I've drawn a picture of a hologram...actually it drew itself through my evolving journey. It is also Dragon Eye. I hope to share this image in a book one day.

Calling forth the Dragon Clan continues. A kind woman with JustFaith Initiative in Kentucky responded to an email. We chatted this morning. She "sensed" the inclusive nature of my program and is referring me to the Merton Institute for Contemplative Living. I found references to Thomas Merton in my book by Thomas Moore: The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life. The quotes brought tears to my eyes due to the alignment of heart substance for Earth Mother. The heart of hologram activates new grid on earth.

From Moore's book:

The monk Thomas Merton, who spent much of his life in silence, was among many other things a nature mystic, who listened to the flight of birds and took note of the aromas of the fields surrounding his Kentucky abbey. In his journals, he wrote: "The completely irreligious mind is, it seems to me, the unreal mind, the tense, void, abstracted mind that does not even see the things that grow out of the earth or feel glad about them." Gardens help us leave abstractions behind and find joy in the simple presentations of nature, rather than truth in the complicated interpretations of human ingenuity.


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