
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lens of Sight; Lens of Circle

Tuning in to John Denver and Ireland today by listening to their music. Loved ones passed over seem to come into consciousness through rhythmic cycles. Mom does this as well. Are these souls on a circular path or am I? Are we all?

I attended my son-in-law's graduation. He gave the commencement address and exemplified leadership. It was a bit awkward for me being with family after my explosive outburst two weeks ago regarding his children's violent behavior toward one another. ("They're just kids" didn't ring true for me.) That explosion knocked something out of orbit for me. I wasn't sure how it would settle with family. So, sitting with family at the Tacoma Dome I felt neutral, unemotional, detached. Everything felt flat and grey. Everyone I looked at had a negative thought thread attached to it. I observed separation and lack. I didn't accept this and thought about Truth and in that I started to see people radiating light beams from within. Each one had a sol/soul within. My youngest daughter reached out to me lovingly several times. Seems we got through the tension. My son-in-law wants to be of service and go into the military with his degree. The city jobs he's applied for have not come through. He reminds me of my own quest years ago. A quest to find my larger self and to be of service in a larger community.

Driving home I turned off the radio and drove in silence. I sensed/saw myself as a large arc N/S as if from outer space and I sensed/saw Earth as a large arc E/W. I felt in the earth but not of it. My thoughts revolved around not having a place to be my full self. A place to talk my talk from inside out. I have to frame things so I don't offend people and so I can fit in. I guess it's walking in different worlds. I'm still looking for a community to plug into. Maybe that's an illusion but I do have feelings around this longing for home...which means with people.

I'm attending an dinner/auction event at the Duwamish Longhouse tonight. I get emotional about being with Native Americans. These people love the land as I do. These people understand the spirit world. I can talk about my love of rocks with these people! I attended one of their community meetings regarding how to support their youth in the public school system. There is discussion about starting their own school. I think the Native community has a lot to contribute to the Seattle public school system. It's like the right and left sides of brain that need each other. A separate school could help heal and educate the parts but I'm seeing that there needs to be an integration as well. Why not create a Native American ciriculum for the public schools? Perhaps something is in place and needs support. I will be doing this outreach of ideas starting tonight.

The arcs that I am remind me of concave and convex lens. I'm also thinking about "negative" space and "negative" emotion. What is this seeing and being and how does our lens of sight work?

What exactly are lenses? A lens is a transparent material, such a glass, that has either one curved surface and one flat surface or two curved surfaces. As with mirrors, these two lenses are either convex or concave. Convex lenses are thicker in the middle then the edges and concave are thicker at the edges then the middle. When light travels through lenses, refraction occurs. The light bends either outward or inward, it depends on the lens.

The lens of your eye is a double convex lens. Its job is to focus the image on the retina of the eye. If one is farsighted, the lens in the eye causes the focus to be behind the retina. These people see far but have some difficultly seeing close-up. The lens focuses behind the retina because the actual eyeball is too short from front to back. To correct this farsightedness, the person would wear glasses or contacts with convex lenses.


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