
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Increasing Sharpness

Is it time to get more focused and sharp on one thing and in direction rather than being so spread out? What sort of line and point would this be...this that includes all parts within a whole?

Friday night: I left my friends' home Friday night and found myself in an energy field of stillness that was very expansive. Some new quality was moving...and not moving. A new vibration. I went for a walk on the river trail and stopped a few times to find an off trail spot to be still. The third spot was perfect. Just as I sat down under fir tree which was under cottonwood tree the wind picked up momentum. The timing could not have been more perfect. I listened to the music of wind and tree like passionate lovers. I watched the treetops bend in the gale. I heard snapping and cracking. I hunkered down getting closer to fir thinking it would protect me from falling branches and debris. I loved the wild forces in motion. I didn't want to go indoors. Did I live in a teepee once? Did I travel following the seasons and food sources? The land feels like home. It smells so good!

Emotion moved up and through again. Instead of grief (Duwamish Longhouse) it was anger. I found myself in the midst of a family get-together yelling from my core: "There's enough violence in the world I don't want it in MY family." There was dead silence. My family has never heard my anger. It was a surprise to me as well. There are some patterns that I don't tolerate well and I seem to be speaking out when I see/hear them. I'm amazed how unconscious some people are about their behavior. It's time to stand up and say "Enough!" Others can be rude and disrespectful if they choose. But they will not be this way in my presence! I choose peace and harmony.


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