
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Elders Speak

Early this morning I saw, in inner/outer space, a round mass of exploding red and heard a "crunch" sound in my head/brain. Seconds later I felt a sharp poke at one point in the ball of my right foot. Then, later a I saw sheet of pale blue. A lot of fireworks going on - a rewiring and restructing of brain/body.

I welcomed my first student today at the Circle of Life Class in West Seattle. She is 83, an artist, author, activist (she has a bumper sticker on her car that reads, "War is Terrorism"), world traveler, spiritual student, etc. Ruth Ward's poetry book is entitled Thankful that the Tree Still Stands. Many of her poems sound like my writings! She wants to know more about the Alliance for a New Humanity so I invited her to join the Pacific Cascadia group that I am now birthing.

One of the films in the Global Oneness Project featured African Elders and agriculture. It illustrated 5 circles representing how the people live their cosmologies and how each circle is held by an elder. During the Q&A session I asked Orland Bishop how African Elders perceive male/female, light/dark, day/night...polarities. He said that it wasn't that simple. What I understood him say is that the brain reflects the cosmologies that honor water, air, earth, fire, mineral. Fascinating to listen to Elders!


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