
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eye at Core

I took the time to listen to Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Caroline Myss on The Chopra Center website via online newsletter. Comforting to connect with others who are on a spiritual path and hear their voices and digest their thoughts and experiences. Nourishing food for a whole body.

I'm recognizing a pattern that I create. It has to do with getting ahead of myself by projecting what I think is happening when in fact it is not. For example several people in my environment who said they were going to do something have not. Just when I thought a couple of things were settling in place I have to think again...see again. The pattern is that I say this or that is happening before it takes root and blossoms. I make a statement in the East (sprout) of cycle without waiting until South (flower) and West (fruit) come into play. I think this is due to my emotional charge. I get enthused and speak too quickly. Logic is starting to kick in more fully -- perhaps it can help me with this pattern. Wait and see will be a challenge. I'm used to moving fast.

Same pattern with diet. Today I feel hungry from a place other than stomach. I am craving carbs and I want to binge. So, I'm telling myself that this is a sign of cleansing as those old messages and urges come up from deep layers of underground consciousness and out through body. It's a wait and see time. I am eating healthy and want to sustain this new pattern of balance.

What chemical in body is regulated by wait and see? What organs? What systems?
I'm not sure but I do have a sense that it's located at my core (circle image) and not on the surface that spins. My core that is still as everything revolves around it. Is this the structure of an atom? Are there "stable" parts or do all parts spin? What's the difference? So many questions about energy and matter. I'm getting that "eye" is at the core. What does that mean?

One thing is for sure...all my parts are in agreement: It's time for lunch!!


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