
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Global Sex Trade

I watched a feature on PBS regarding the Global Sex Trade. My heart went out to all the victims: the women who are daughters and mothers, the men who are sons and fathers and a political/social system that reflects the toxicity of a larger energetic system dominated by lowest chakra frequencies of red and orange.

The fact that I did not react emotionally in criticism and anger says that my heart has expanded in empathy and compassion and that my energy field of water, air, earth and fire is more alkaline and less toxic.

I continue to work (moving the energy wheels that I am) to consciously elevate my thoughts, words and actions thus changing my alchemical state of heart, mind and body. After 35 years on this healing path this new phase feels like rest.

In response to the global sex trade I have this to say:

I see men respecting their inner female (intuitive, holistic, mystical, creative).

I see women respecting their inner male (logical, rational, reasoning, mathematical).

I see whole men and women loving one another in ways that reflect new and vibrant vitality.

I see whole systems that value peace, justice and creative opportunity for all.

I see and sense the vibration of the human species rise into higher frequency as light penetrates the layers of dark matter: unconscious, subconscious and conscious.

I see higher senses bringing humans to their senses in peace and joy.

I see all things made new.


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