
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aura Images and Information

Access to holographic reality becomes experientially available when one's consciousness is freed from its dependence on the physical body. So long as one remains tied to the body and its sensory modalities, holographic reality at best can only be an intellectual construct. When one is [freed from the body] one experiences it directly. That is why mystics speak about their visions with such certitude and conviction, while those who haven't experienced this realm for themselves are left feeling skeptical and even indifferent.
-- Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., Life at Death, The Holographic Universe

This morning I opened my book The Holographic Universe and read about Seeing Holographically. Auras hold images of information. What we immerse ourselves in, what we focus on, lives in our auras. This is how psychics see images that give them information about a personality. I am reminded about the "creepy" feelings I get when I watch a movie and television where torture or violence is broadcasted. I refuse to digest this energy. I don't want my aura to be a dumpsite.

Imagine what images our children digest on a daily basis through the media of music and entertainment. It's time to clean up our aura(s) personally and collectively. We do this as conscious adults who are in position on their circle of life to integrate the parts, the threads, that didn't get woven in a healthy way.

We have a leader in Washington, DC, who is acting like a responsible parent for the good of a larger whole. Such leaders are all around us. All we need to do is invite them into our aura and our consciousness...and say "thank you" for the healing they provide.


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