
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Grid Pockets Speak

Previous comment about Tracker does not refer to a personality or his power. It does refer to an energy grid held by matter: earth body's soil. Grid has "pockets" of attraction/repulsion and dissonance/resonance. Those pockets seem to be squares that differentiate positive and negative energy lines and that hold tonal qualities.

Unemployment gives me more time to be at home. I notice at night I want comfort foods of carbs/sugar. It's emotional and not logical because I'm not hungry. This morning I identified this emotion as loneliness. A feeling that stretches way back into infancy and early childhood. My personal grid now gives me new inspiration and information so that I can act in a new way allowing me to be more conscious. What replaces old addiction based on loneliness?

As an adult in the Northwest on the circle/wheel of life I have to look at that feeling in my life and track its story. As an adult I can feel lonely with one person or a group of people. I don't feel lonely in Nature or in my visions, journeys and dreams.

At the open mic poetry night I heard others speak my language. It was comforting and nourishing. It was a pocket of resonance. So somehow I will rewire the old pattern that associated food with loneliness. I will continue to look for people and groups where I can share my values. I know the shape of the people and groups --they are circular where each voice is heard. There is no authority figure that people revolve around for approval. The authority is inside out. This is whole system and one that can feed whole being. An infant and child need an authority figure or parent to feed them. An adult does not. So perhaps this is a process of separation, of individuation.

Does "soil" refer to flesh, blood, or bone? Does it refer to cells or DNA? What is this material substance of earth body?


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