
Friday, April 17, 2009

Soil - Astral or Etheric?

Yesterday, a day without rain, I worked in my garden turning the soil to remove the unwanted plants (otherwise known as weeds -- which they are not -- all of them are wild: medicinal and many edible) and prepare the space for seeds. I love sifting through the dirt and getting out the clumps. There must be something very healing/soothing about dirt! Planting and maintaining a garden is very artistic. I can create any way I choose and see what responds. And when there is response I get to transplant.

Last night before sleep an image appeared that was emitting energy. It was as if it was trying to speak to me. The image was of a green plant being dug out of soil. I don't know if the soil was emitting energy or if the open space was breathing. Was it saying "thgank you" for the massage?

I was reading a story about fairies today and the astral plane. I never thought of soil associated with astral. However, perhaps all matter has an etheric and astral level.

Does one level hold vision and the other dreams?

This process of "knowing" is not linear and reveals itself in its own time. Such is the artistry of right brain embracing left and working as one whole system. It's spontaneous combustion.


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