
Monday, April 13, 2009

Pulling of Reins

I took a couple of women friends to a women's drumming circle. I chose the rattle as each one of my chakras wanted to be attuned to the rattling sound. It seems to draw the energy out and upward. Very different than drumming. I used to associate rattling with faery dust...which is light energy.

I wonder if other people hear sounds of movement in their brains? The other night after the journey with horses I heard two snaps in two different locations in my head. A couple of weeks ago I heard a pop and saw/felt a line shoot from point A to point B in my head much like a shooting star. The body is a mysterious swirl of forces as energy and matter interract.

I scheduled 5 classes today at Ballard Senior Center for Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story. This circle of life is a spinning mandala and each participant will take home their own creative mandala.

It's time to move energy...which reminds me of the pirate hostage situation. I guess I am not a "non-violent" person. I do have aggression moving in my blood. Individuals who abuse others need to face's natural law of order. Individuals who refuse to respect other's space need to be removed from the scene one way or another; at one level or another. I say this knowing that I am a loving being. Love is not chaotic. Love is focused. Love provides a space for evolution that includes respect for all parts. Law and order will reign/rein for the good of the whole!


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