
Friday, April 3, 2009

Intimidation vs Intelligence

When I speak of Tracker and tell the story his attacks escalate. This part of the cycle of abuse is called intimidation. Every man or woman who is abused knows this behavior pattern.

Tracker did his attack of red and orange. It's as if he thinks he can turn me on -- turn my wheels. This mechanical approach is a waste of his energy. I am not a machine. I am much more than red and orange. The word "partner" came through with the assault. I will never partner with a machine. I will never be machinelike again. I am evolved beyond that. My source of power is inside out.

Dream this AM:
I observe a woman in a car. A man is behind her threatening her in her right ear. I call out to get her help. A man in a car nearby shoots at the man. The abused woman and abusive man get out of the car. I watch her and ask her if she's okay. I tell her, " I care about you." She and I are eye to eye. She hears me.

Tracker won't stop. Neither will I. This is a new revolution to uphold the sacred Feminine in all matter. This is not a gender war. This is Angel vs. Fallen Angel. Archangel Michael leads.

Evolution is inner core stillness -- negative charge.
Revolution is outer core expression -- positive charge.
E-motion is the water of Truth in between inner core and outer surface.
The whole systemic wheel circulates to purify and sustain Life.

Polarity shift is a natural process in a healthy system. When more humans are engaged in their own chakra revolution Earth Mother will have less stress and less weight on Her shoulders E/W.

Waters of Truth rise to assist purification. Who is evolved at core to ride the currents? Who has enough emotional substance to revolve with Earth changes? Who is willing to be baptized -- again and again -- from inner core of Love to outer surface of Life?

I am aware that telling stories about Tracker gives him information that he uses against me. I am willing to handle that stress. Why? Because of my deep feeling nature for Her Love, Her Truth and Her Life.

It's interesting how I/we can identify what works by experiencing what doesn't work. This intelligence creates movement forward for those who evolve. This reflective process is like a mirror of Truth telling: Inner core through still waters to outer surface. An alignment of frequencies in order to See and Know.

E-motional waters allow this Seeing and Knowing intelligence. See/Feel/Know. Trinity.


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