
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Evolve and Revolve

Life seems to evolve inside out and revolve outside in. Evolve includes invisible spiritual forces and revolve includes visible earthy forces. I am working to align the two.

Since January I've been working on four creative projects as well as doing the ongoing job search with unemployment. All this work (forward motion) depends on external response.

Someone said to me recently that I'll find a job when I decide what I want to do. I don't see it this way. It's not this simple. I don't live in a vacuum. I live in a larger context...a whole. I can plant seed after seed; I can email this person and that; I can speak with this one and that one. If there is no response there is no revolving motion.

I spoke with someone at Catholic Community Services this morning. I'm reaching out to see which non-profit organizations are interested in partnering in Green Heart meditation circles and in receiving funding to support their at-risk programs. I mentioned to this woman that the program was evolving me and I asked her is she was familiar with that experience. She laughed and said, "Yes, from the ground up." Such response is critical to me and Green Heart if we are to move forward. I also spoke with Salvation Army. These "faith-based" organizations are curious and interested in learning more about Green Heart.

This inter-face reminds me of the debate the other night regarding Does Satan Exist? (ABC's Nightline, Thursday night). There seems to be a new integrating force at work to bring parts together that were previously separated. This is definitely a sign of evolution! Can Green Heart take meditation circles into Christian organizations such as the Salvation Army?

I told a friend recently that I am looking and listening for signs so that I know which way to turn. Receiving a call this morning from Catholic Community Services and Salvation Army was the information I needed regarding which direction to go in my work today. I could work on my children's book, my Circle of Life mapping classes, etc. Response keeps me moving in certain directions achieving certain goals. They are not "my" goals...they include a larger whole. Which is why I listen and I watch. It is so energizing when the parts do come is synergizing!

I am so grateful that I am no longer working alone. That I have people with me supporting my vision and work. I even have a spiritual community! There is much work to do in this new territory.


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