
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Collective Body Reflections

I like the television show Lie To Me. It's amazing how the landscape of our body speaks the truth and that those communication lines and tones can be identified.

I like to watch American Idol. It connects me with millions of people. Last night one of the contestants wore a shirt with a dragon. Country singer Carrie Underwood did a segment where she was face to face with a big brown eye of a horse. It makes me happy when television reflects my inner mythic journey. This inner and outer alignment makes me feel comfy and safe like being in a field and womb of embryonic fluid. It's how I feel when I see the lilac buds opening and hear the robins' song. There are signs that all is right with the world! When more people have the eye sight to see these crystal reflections there will be peace and harmony on this planet. Can we all see soon enough? One can only do what one can do inside out knowing that one's light and goodwill shines through the darkness of ignorance...and that includes our own ignorance.

"Be fruitful and multiply" and have "dominion over".... Humans have twisted and distorted those instructions. Being fruitful and multiplying pertains to creativity and not overpopulating our planet. We are co-creators. Having dominion over pertains to our field of oneness. All living beings belong in the circle of life. Dominion is embracing not controlling and destroying.

I received a call from West Seattle Senior Center. They want me to present my Circle of Life Mapping class. The woman was most generous saying that if there is interest that I could offer a four week series. She mentioned that some storytelling classes work well at community colleges. I will look into that while I am unemployed. It's quite a process to let response (outside in) open doors for me. Such is the creative journey around the circle of life.


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