
Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It was difficult to watch as I don’t expose myself to poverty, torture and violence as I get sick to my stomach. I am very grateful that my life and my family’s lives have been without this darkness. However, we all have had and continue to have opportunities to face darkness. It is the hero/heroine’s journey. How dark does it have to get before one turns toward Light within, integrates it and then expresses it into one’s world?

Slums and skyscrapers reflect the lack of the sacred feminine. Slums and skyscrapers reflect cancerous cells that are far from green -- a green that signifies the breath of life through the beating of heart both spiritually and physically.

During our silent meditation with Genesis on Saturday I kept seeing an 8 pattern with each inhale/exhale. First it was vertical and then it was horizontal. Green heart is at center holding the reins and managing the input and output of life force. Balance is the ongoing lesson.

What is prosperity? Is it better, newer, more stuff? Is that what identifies abundance? That orientation is what has us suffocating through overpopulation, overdevelopment, overachieving, over polluting, overspending, overeating/drinking/drugging/gambling, over killing. When will we stop? Will it be when our precious Earth Mother runs out of oxygen; when she has no more green space breathing her and through which she breathes?

It’s time to step up in Green Heart.


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