
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heart Rise

I notice that energy threads weave through my diverse vibrational matter of senses, feelings, thoughts and action. These threads are rhythmic -- they come in, move out and around. This ebb and flow is circular and ever changing. In flow one is not attached to outer forms. One lets go and discovers what comes back around as well as what is new. This creative process is a mystery and is magical. By having a "hands-off" policy one gets to discover what is in Spirit's mind and not in a personal egotistical mind. I let go and something re-turns. I let go and something new is born. It's a dance of joy.

The sacred feminine is the heart of energy flow. She is receptive polarity.

The sacred masculine is the mind of energy flow. He is the expressing polarity.

The two engage in a co-creative process of birthing light through matter.

Two opposite forces weave threads of light through a conscious body awakening on Earth.

Earth Mother celebrates through fullness of heart! Let the old systems crash as new values and systems rise.


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