
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Joy as Primordial Sound

Arsenio with the Alliance for a New Humanity shared a beautiful article via email that begins:

"Human beings must come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way...

It had me thinking this morning that "In the beginning was the Word." The "Word" is heard by receptive heart, engaged by mind and delivered by body.

At Brant Secunda's (Huichol shaman and healer) seminar last weekend he acknowledged that one "sees through the heart" creating a triangle of eye, heart and a point in space outside of body. This triangle is a prism and a part of a larger crystal community.

The "Word" is a spark seed in dark ocean of stillness fertilized and nurtured through heart watered by mind and blossoming through body. This unifying force is creative, inspirational and intelligent. It unifies all the parts into a cohesive whole...a crystal community.

In Deepak Chopra's book Perfect Health he writes:

How are we connected to the unified field? By invisible "threads" composed of faint vibrations, what Ayurveda calls primordial sound.

In the complete stillness of the Quantum mechanical universe, primordial sounds are born, form patters, and in time blossom into matter, energy, and all the infinite variety of things made of matter and energy -- stars, trees, rocks, and human beings.

At Brant's weekend seminar I experienced an outpouring of inner joy -- love. I felt at home! Joy is primordial sound through matter! Joy cannot be found on Wall Street or through technology. Joy is found through stillness of heart, mind and body. Meditation is the way: walking meditation, sitting meditation, sleeping meditation, eating meditation, loving meditation, speaking meditation. Meditation is an ongoing practice through physical expression.


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