
Friday, February 20, 2009

Preparing the Soil

I'm working more now that I'm unemployed...I have to put the reins on myself and slow down! There is so much creative work to do...and yet it's the same frenzy of old! I was considering creating a business plan for Community Threads as a way to promote Green Heart. However, I don't want to go there. I prefer to be part of a group. I don't have the energy to manage a board, do marketing, hire an accountant and attorney, etc., etc. I'd be happy being the visionary and doing outreach.

I'm loving working with the land now that spring is around the corner. My eye caught glimpse of a glistening pile of horse poo and my whole body was elated! I got the wheel barrow and pitch fork and fed my garden soil. I also added worm bin compost. My eye scans the fields around me for mole hills that yield dark soil for my garden. It all reminds me of being a child and making camps in the back woods. My senses recall those seasons of childhood. I so love the land!

I'm missing the Chopra blog today and checked in after several weeks. I was noticing an emptiness without this creative conversation of input and output. Which reminds me...when I spoke with the interum Director ( a very helpful man) of the DHHS Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives I was informed that a program needs to start local and get some ground underneath it and that the federal government focuses on outputs -- different than outcomes. What better output than meditation and prayer is my question?


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