
Monday, February 23, 2009

Huichol Gifts and Green Giving

I soared this weekend...with Huichol culture and ancestors! It's all too rich to describe. I'm grateful for Brant Secundo, Huichol shaman and healer, and his family for being in Seattle to share drumming, rattling, bright visionary art, ceremony, Shaman's Chocolate, stories, teachings, healing, crystal, pilgrimage, four direction honoring and my new friend...deer! I was so happy being in that shamanic space that was very feminine energetically! I could BE and breathe so easily through balanced and porous openings for circulation of energy. Dragon Eye...that I am...was active and I am being guided not to share the visions that came through in that creative space. I am being guided to ask for "exchanges of energy" so that I can be compensated for my gift of seeing. Unemployment opens this new way of being in the world; this new way of drawing lines.

I can share more about Green Heart in a green economy! My imagination is running wild horses in the wind dancing deer of the Huichol culture. I am seeing green cards that can be used in green machines to collect green points. Green points are earned through community service/volunteering for at-risk programs that serve individuals, communities and the environment. Volunteers can support grassroots programs -- not only programs associated with the federal government. Volunteers can help the local food bank, tree planting, youth at risk, etc. Volunteer work/community service is tax deductible or receives a tax credit. This green system allows more people to give and receive. It stimulates the economy through the value of giving of oneself rather than gaining material stuff. Green Heart's peaceful giving replaces Wall Street's chaotic getting.


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