
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Teaching Circle of Life

I have three Circle of Life classes scheduled at senior activity centers. I have talked with WorkSource about a class there to assist people with identity crisis that unemployment can create. The manager suggested the class might work better for WorkFirst folks....since it's about "soft" skills.

I think it's very significant that my inner story is aligning with an outer class in the mainstream world. People like the Circle of Life mapping idea. It sparks something in them. It's a new adventure for of teaching inside out.

Circle of Life -- Mapping One's Story

Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senior are chapters in our lives that can be mapped on a circle to help us tell our unique and personal story. What inspired you as a child? Was it a pet or a teacher? What inspired you as an adolescent? Was it a sport or a hobby? In this creative mapping experience we will share our stories and through poetry and art we will highlight our very own Circle of Life. Each one will take home an artistic mandala map of their life.


Trish Knox is a native Washingtonian who loves her blue and green Pacific Cascadia bioregion. Trish has been writing poetry and journalling for 35 years and wants to inspire others in the same creativity. Trish is writing a book about the "language of the sacred feminine" which is that part of our mind-body that relates through intuition, feelings, senses, dreams, art, images, myths, visions, etc. Trish is eagerly sharing her 'right brained" gifts with teens, adults and seniors through classes and workshops. Trish can be reached at


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