
Monday, March 2, 2009

Circle of Life Mapping - Heart of Identity

A woman I met at a WorkSource class asked me to write an article about Green Heart for her paralegal newsletter. That story was written and is being circulated. A few days after that she called to schedule a meeting. I didn't think I'd hear from her again as I sensed she was Christian and that my website with shamanic references might not appeal to her. However, she called and we met today. She is Christian...and...very open minded and hearted.

The Green Heart article I wrote is too abstract for her newsletter so she kept working with me to find something "tangible" to share. I've been thinking about doing a workshop at senior centers so we developed the idea. As a result I'll be doing a workshop with her paralegal group entitled Circle of Life Mapping -- Heart of Identity. It will be artistic and each one will create a mandala to take home with them. The mapping will move E/S/W/N and will bring up memories both positive and negative. It will center around wellness and true identity in changing times. I will encourage people to tell stories, create art and write poetry. It will be very interractive. 60 minutes will be filled full.

I guess this is proof of the power of intention. I am saying what I want to do and it's starting to manifest thanks to people I meet on a daily basis.


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