
Friday, March 13, 2009

Crystal Consciousness

Matter regulates energy through "valves" of unconscious, subconscious, conscious and crystal consciousness. If the unconscious valve is open all the time that is the result. To sustain healthy homeostasis these valves or chords work together providing the passageways for energy flow East, South, West and North. The expanded E/S/W/N points of circle regulate temperature and temperament. Sometimes the energy gets very intense and during these times I remind myself that the higher I fly the lower I dive. The dark North is balanced by light South. I spin and move around my own soular sun core.

The regulation and modification of energy flow always brings change. It's an evolving process rather than a stagnant one. Change can bring judgement about right and wrong, good and bad but that's not the Truth. The Truth is that change is in motion...change centered in energy-motion of e-motion: the language of the sacred feminine. Change is a constant by-product of flow. The regulation of energy through matter includes transmutation -- the burning up of old debris, toxins, ama.

Perhaps as individuals learn to move through this purifying and sustaining practice our businesses and corporations will become more responsible for the collective debris they create. Debris that is so rampant now that it's in outer space endangering our space craft.

What part of the brain do we use when we use technology? What part of the brain do we use when we are moved by nature? Is e-motion involved in both mediums? I keep thinking that humans are becoming machines rather than living and breathing emotional beings. Are we letting machines do our breathing for us? Which reminds me I've been at this computer long enough and it's time for me to apply some balance and do some gardening!


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